Other Procedures

  • Corrective Eye Surgery in Perth.
  • Variety of treatment options aimed to provide the best solutions.
  • Some factors increase the likelihood of ineligibility for laser eye surgery.
  • Alternatives for those ineligibile for laser eye surgery.
  • Discuss your options by contacting us today.

Corrective Eye Surgery in Perth

Although laser eye surgery is our most common treatment option at our Perth eye clinic, this unfortunately is not suitable for everyone. This is often the case for those who may have very high levels of refractive error and/or thin corneas. Thankfully, there are alternative procedures for laser eye surgery which may still be able to assist you to be free of glasses or contact lenses.

At WA Laser Eye Centre, we offer a variety of treatment options aimed to provide the best solution for your circumstances including laser eye surgery, implantable contact lenses, refractive intraocular lens implants and laser assisted cataract surgery. Depending on your suitability, these treatments may or may not be recommended to you by our leading surgeon, Dr Robert Paul.

Undesirable Factors for Laser Eye Surgery in Perth

Our Perth eye clinic offer alternatives for those who may not be suitable for laser eye surgery. Although we strongly recommend speaking to one of our experienced staff members to discuss your specific circumstances, there are some factors which may increase the likelihood of being ineligible for laser eye surgery including:

  • Those over the age of 40 – natural aging can cause presbyopia (near vision loss) often making reading close-up difficult. Laser vision correction may not be suitable for you, however please contact our Perth eye clinic about laser blended vision or refractive lens exchange as an alternative.
  • Those with extremely high refractive errors – depending on your level of myopia, implantable contact lenses may be a more suitable option for you. Again, please discuss this with your surgeon.
  • Those with eye disorders, disease or an autoimmune disorder – certain diseases and disorders can increase the risk of complications associated with laser eye surgery. Please discuss this with your surgeon.
  • Those under the age of 20 – the eyes can continue to change throughout growth periods including under the age of 20. To ensure consistency, it is necessary that your prescription has not changed in the past 12 months which can occur in those under 20. If you’re unsure about undergoing vision correction in Perth, please discuss your concerns with our surgeon.

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Book An Appointment Today!

At WA Laser Eye Centre, we’re committed to providing the highest quality care with the latest and safest refractive techniques to ensure the most superior outcome. To discuss your options, please contact our centre today and one of our friendly staff members will schedule your FREE assessment appointment.

The final decision as to which type of refractive surgery is best suited for your requirements will be made after an extensive consultation with our centre.