Types of Laser Eye Procedures
As one of the five senses, the human eye has become integral to everyday living and functioning, helping people to interact and engage with their environment. When issues arise, this can limit sensations and restrict your daily abilities. Thankfully, modern medicine advances have allowed us to offer an even better solution to glasses and contact lenses – laser eye surgery.
Laser eye surgery, also known as refractive or vision correction surgery, is a surgical procedure undertaken by those seeking to correct or improve their eyesight and finally dispose of their glasses or lenses. There are several different laser eye and vision correction surgery options available at WA Laser Eye Centre in Perth that are suitable for those who may be short-sighted, long-sighted, have astigmatism, or have age-related eyesight issues. As WA’s leading eye laser surgery, we use the most advanced technology available in today’s market. Our principal surgeon Dr Robert Paul will help you understand your vision treatment options and assist you with finding the most suitable laser solution.
Book A Consultation Today
After your initial consultation with our centre, you will be informed as to the type of refractive surgery we believe will greatly benefit your lifestyle and improve your eyesight. If you have concerns about wearing glasses, are suffering from eyesight related issues like astigmatism, or have any questions about eye laser surgery, please do not hesitate to contact our Perth laser vision centre today!